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Output Peripherals

Kodak Lionheart 1392 Printing System

Eastman Kodak Co Components Marketing Group

Kodak Lionheart 1392 Printing System is the professional way to producehigh-quality demand printing from a wide variety of systems. Connectivityis key to a shared peripheral printer, and this system excels in thisarena, whether it be Ethernet, Novell, or AppleTalk. The 1392 system alsosupports multiple PDLs and emulations, including PostScript and PCL.This demand printer virtually eliminates production lead times, whiledramatically reducing storage and inventory costs. In addition, sinceall documents can now be produced on demand, the cost of documentobsolescence is eliminated. Kodak's advanced LED imaging technologyprovides dark, uniform blacks on extremely clean printed originals. Withno moving parts and a stable imaging platform, the highly durable LEDimaging source permits precise focus and greater control of dot size,shape, and consistency.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Eastman Kodak Co Components Marketing Group
901 Elmgrove Rd Bdg 14 Flr 2 Mail Code 36303
Rochester, NY 14653-6303
Phone: (716) 726-6963
Fax: (716) 253-9150